Wedding Reception Format

The Most Common Wedding Reception Format

Wedding Reception Wedding Reception Format

Photo © Love Is Love Photography

There are many different ways to schedule the events at your reception, and they are all influenced by many factors. Religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds and even the age of the bride and groom are just a few of the influences which can alter how you celebrate your event.

For those who are unsure of where to start the planning of their reception, this is our Recommended Schedule of Events:

Pre-Dinner Drinks


Main Meal


Cutting of the Cake

Bridal Waltz

[Dance Set 1]


[Dance Set 2]

[Dance Set 3]

Bouquet Toss

Garter Removal & Garter Toss

Farewell Circle or Guard of Honour


Related Topics

Bouquet Toss
Bridal Party Entrance
Bridal Party Roles
Bridal Waltz (The First Dance)
Cake Cutting Ceremony
Casual Departure
Departure Methods
Discreet Departure
Farewell Circle
Father - Daughter Dance
First Dance (Bridal Waltz)
Garter Removal & Toss
Guard of Honour
MC Duties
Mother - Son Dance
Pre Dinner Drinks
Seating Your Wedding Guests
Traditional Departure Methods
Wedding MC Duties
Wedding Reception Format
Wedding Speeches

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